Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Email List


Growing an email list has become a top priority for an organization that knows its relevance. However, it is not so easy to build an email list in a particular niche or to maintain an email list. The email database degrades about 22.5% yearly. This is because your contact email addresses move from one organization to another, people take up new careers, and some would opt-out of your email communication over time.

Therefore, finding creative ways of adding fresh and relevant email contact should be of utmost priority if you want to grow your business. This is why we have come up with the top 5 ways to grow your email list.


What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing offers businesses the opportunity to drive sales through online channels and mediums. In email marketing, people use email to promote the services and products of an organization or company. Email marketing is also used in building a relationship between customers, clients, and businesses. And in other forms, email marketing can be used to keep clients and customers informed/updated. In Email marketing, customized emails are sent electronically to potential customers.


Personalized Email Marketing

Particular groups of customers or a niche can be targeted, and sometimes individuals can also be targeted through email marketing. For instance, some organizations use email marketing to send birthday wishes while at other times, email campaigns are used to send seasonal messages to a particular group of people. Even when sending campaigns, it is important to personalize emails for a better experience.

Personalized email marketing helps a business maintain or develop a relationship with their customers over time. This can result in increased sales, ensures customer loyalty, and increase profitability.


Best Practices

Developing your email list is one of the best practices in email marketing. It is important not to buy an email list for the following reason.

  • When you buy an email list, the contact would not know who you are and would most likely classify your campaign as spam. It is important for contact to permit you to send email campaigns to them.

  • When you buy an email list, most of the contact would not be in your business niche, so your campaign effort and money may be wasted.

Other Best Practices Include:

  • Strictly adhere to the rules of the CAN-SPAM act. These rules state that you should not use deceptive subjects in your emails. You should also make provisions for un-subscription at the bottom of your email.

  • For those doing newsletters you should endeavor to stick to schedules

  • It is vital to optimizing your email to be mobile-friendly. This is because over 70% of emails are accessed through mobile devices.


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